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Floor Cleaner
Keep out of reach of children and pets. DO NOT mix with any other detergent, cleaner or bleach.
* Store closed, upright in a cool and dry place, away from direct heat.
* Corrosive. Use only for toilet bowls and urinals.
* Can cause severe skin irritation and eye damage. In case of any accidental contact, wash with plenty of water immediately and seek medical attention. If swallowed, seek immediate medical assistance.
* Avoid breathing the vapour as it may cause respiratory irritation. If inhaled, move the victim to rest in a comfortable well-ventilated area.
* For external use only. Preferably wear gloves and glasses during use. After handling, wash hands thoroughly.
* Not for human consumption/medicinal use.
* For any further details, refer to product Safety data sheet.
The recommended dilution for cleaning and disinfection is as follows:
- Normal Soiling : 20ml in 1 litre of water.
- Heavy Soiling : 50 ml in 1 litre water.
- Mix the desired quantity in water to make the cleaning solution, preferably in a plastic bucket.
- Gently mop the floor surface and allow the floor to dry.
- Always perform a small test on a discrete area to check surface compatibility before using. Avoid use/spillage on carpets and polished wooden surfaces.
- Not for human consumption/medicinal use.
^ Bacteria, Fungi & Virus, as per standard testing protocol.